has to be the coolest thing since cold milk...LOL...well at least for me it is.....;o) I have had a lot of people say...."omgosh, I wasted 2 hours today looking at Pinterest"......and I always think....why do we think of it as a waste?
I have met some incredable people, talented women, in every sence of the way.
It's so much fun to see what everyone posts, pins, comments on and finds to enlighten us all. All the knowledge from removing baked on stains from your cookie sheets, to decorating on a stretched and limited budget to cooking something special for your loved ones....to enhancing your cars gas mileage....knowledge, hints, helpfulness, compassion, quotes and affirmations.... it's all there....from ones that care.
So today, I found an incredible photo of a chair. Very French country and very warm in detail and pattern. The Equestrian fabric really won't fit into my decor...but the details of the chair and the cream and black check are right up my alley... look at how comfy and inviting this chair is.....Robin loved this chair as well....she kidded and said she was "drooling"..and I giggled knowing that I was doing the exact same thing...right along with her..... she found a chair very similar at a thrift store that she is going to redo.....and I found myself thinking I can not wait to see what she does with it.
Without us all "thinking" and "finding" and "wondering" about things another might enjoy...or look upon as fabulous or unusual...without posting them or adding them to a blog....what really would our days be like? Sharing ideas and connecting with people that you really have nothing in common with....only to find out...guess what...you really do....someone else enjoys what you do...someone else gives you an idea...someone else shares their findings and creativity with you....that you really had no idea they were even out there.....someone shares their wealth of discovery...their sorrow of fate.
Sure we all have busy lives. Work, families, pets, laundry, homework, new babies, teenagers, soccer games and ballet classes. We are chauffeurs, grocery specialists and
councelors for our families but
long live woman who enjoys sharing possibilities of kindred spirits of creating a "nest" for themselves or their families.....and allowing us all to share them and be affected by their generosity to take a few moments of their day and share them with you....with all of us....:o)
I have no idea who Robin is....but through the netwaves and her "finding" the perfect chair.....she and I have shared something this morning....and she enlightened my day...and I am thankful for just that small gesture. She didn't mean it for me but it added pleasure and joy to my day....how great is that.
This holiday weekend....be calm and restful.....and enjoy whatever you find yourself doing....and share it with those close to you, those that have miles that strectch between you and those that you might not know you yet but await to see what the rest of the world has to offer.....:o)
Be safe my friends......